Lifting the benchmark for diversity and inclusion in agriculture

Today we celebrate International Rural Women’s Day – an opportunity to recognise the critical role and contribution of rural women around the world, and here in Australia.

At Nutrien Ag Solutions, we’ve made a strong commitment to creating a diverse workforce and building an organisation where everyone feels welcome and part of the team.

With representation from across the business, the Nutrien Ag Solutions Gender Working Group is building on the shoots of change that were already growing in the business.

“With the aim of bringing more women into the leadership pipeline, we are really excited to have our second cohort participating in the Women’s Leadership Mentor program this year” said Chair of the Working Group, Carissa Buckland.

“We’re aiming for women to hold 32% of our leadership positions by 2026. Currently that figure is 18%, so we’ve got some work to do.”

“Our focus on gender isn’t about displacing anyone, it’s about adding to our bench strength,” said Carissa.

“There are some exciting initiatives launching soon to help build understanding of why a diverse workforce is something worth investing in. There will be training for leaders, reviews of our hiring and HR processes and policies and lots of opportunities to celebrate difference.”

Agriculture has always been an industry of progress and evolution. As we continually strive for improvement, we need new ideas and new talent to blend with our years of experienced hands.  When everyone thinks the same way, you get the same outcome.

“It seems obvious, but the opposite of inclusion, is exclusion. So if we aren’t actively striving to be inclusive, then we are probably excluding people and ideas.”

Nutrien Ag Solutions Commercial Cattle Manager for the West Region, Skye Ogerly, is a great example of skilled women contributing to the agriculture industry.

“I have always been extremely passionate about the cattle industry and it excites me to now be working closely with producers, stock agents, and trading partners to develop sustainable and beneficial outcomes for all components of the supply chain” said Skye.

“As we constantly grow as an industry to be more inclusive, I believe Nutrien Ag Solutions is making innovative developments to offer opportunity for women to enter traditionally male dominated roles with ample support.”